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SW Ep.385 – We’re Shut-Ins and Don’t Want Anyone Talking to Us

In episode 385: Amber sees Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Cody sees Teen Titans Go To The Movies, and Matt returns to work. We also discuss a dog who gets a special treat from a fast food joint, a father bonds with his daughter in a super awesome way, Australia has a storied past with giant penis geoglyphs, Bigfoot erotica enters the political landscape, and more!

SW Ep.382 – Dying at a Patsy Cline Concert

In episode 382: we learn that listener is actually more numerous than we thought and Matt reviews the Incredibles 2. We also discuss a remarkable chain reaction that leads to a horribly expensive fire, a police investigation discovers a murder is maybe…less murdery than thought, Burger King has had a really terrible year, a man finds a quick way to get out of an escape room, and more!

SW Ep.374 – My Anti-Capitalist Heart is Aflutter

In episode 374: Nikki nearly isn’t let into another country and then has a Friends related meltdown. A guy pranks a company super illegally. A prom comes under fire for endangering a bunch of…everything. A guy takes unnecessarily drastic measures to fill a craving, and more!

SW Ep.365 – I Over-Baked my Baby

In episode 365: Chipotle Batman ends his streak. Jesus plays a wicked jazz sax. A man discovers he is dead. A lady uses her baby as a fall-guy, and more!

SW Ep.360 – Avian Prison Industrial Complex

In episode 360: We discuss sickness, the movie Winchester, and Matt’s best work story ever. We also discuss a plethora of food stories ranging from orange heists to Thailand ruining ice cream, a family becomes convinced something really stupid gave their kid red hair, a teacher gives a bad grade for the worst reason and more!

SW Ep.349 – Grandpa’s Cheesesteak Wish

In episode 349: We discuss Matt and his attempts to win a sandwich, a murder is committed on the Orient Express, KFC tries a bunch of stupid crap to get you to buy chicken, a guy has a weird way of punishing McDonalds, and more!

SW Ep.345 – He Died, My Pappy Pap Did

In episode 345: Cody recounts his vacation of pissing of time share people and overhearing crazies, Matt learns the history of sodas, Amber’s luck takes a turn for the better, and Nikki tries not to burn to death. Then we also discuss the most ridiculous restaurant scam ever.

SW Ep.339 – Drug Pals

In episode 339: We discuss K-Mart, Twin Peaks, a library that is ready to play some skee-ball, the horrible nut theft problem in California, Carrier Pigeon drug lords and more!

SW Ep.337 – Pulling a Grimace

In episode 337: We discuss the disappointment that is Hershey Park, and the Ducktales reboot is great. Also: Ken Ham and the Ark Encounter return yet again. Ladies believed a river was circular and got hella lost. A Man tries to pay for McDonalds with nudity. Flat Earthers theorize about the eclipse and more!