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CB Ep.168 – Colonel Harland Bishoujo Sanders

This week we play Dating Simulators! Matt tries to use my excellent gargling talents to find some bones in Pizza Game! Nikki tries to tries to Woo Tommy Wiseau in Wooing Wiseau, and Cody tries to learn those secret herbs and spices in I Love You Colonel Sanders!

SW Ep.460 – Capitalism Rules the Moon

In episode 460: Matt takes a trip to some weird museums in Dallas, and Cody becomes an agent of board game chaos. We also discuss some FCC complaints of the Superbowl Half-Time show, a school with a very odd list of things kids can do in place of sex, awful love products from McDonald’s, and a young woman with a great solution to a shut-off phone.

SW Ep.456 – Bringing a Wakizashi to a Tank Fight

In episode 456: We learn who the Biblical analogs for Friends characters and Nikki is tricked onto the Tower of Terror. We also discuss a man who learns how not to sleep in a car, a guy who demands a trial by combat, Japanese McDonald’s has an unfortunate new sweet treat, and a solution to the Taco Bell regrets.

Hosts This Episode

Stories Mentioned:
How Not to Sleep in a Car
Idiot Demands Trial by Combat
New Sweet Treat at Japan’s McDonalds
A Solution to You Twosie Problem

SW Ep.445 – A Moment of Silence for the Meats

In episode 445: We give a quick review of Zombieland 2 and Gemini Man and play a game of guess the costume. We also discuss a lady who got more than she had expected in her Sephora order, a plethora of lazy hitmen, and a mall that has a moment of silence for the meats.

SW Ep.432 – Those Watermelon Bottom Jeans

In episode 432: Amber has a new theme song for us, Tootsie is…weird, and Matt is addicted to watching hot dog contests. We also discuss an unfortunate Taco Bell nacho ingredient, the worst ninja turtle for a cake, a Dairy Queen that mishears a Moana cake request, a heavy metal and knitting combination championship, the most purrfect government press conference ever, and more!

SW Ep.425 – The 69th Circle of Hell

In episode 425: We discuss the end of the Bing Bong Brothers, the future return of Beverly Hills 9021, and several other odd inadvertent final episodes of shows. We also discuss Detective Pikachu, and Matt take on teams of children in various competitions. The stories continue with a Taco Bell themed hotel, Austria’s 194 new U.S. embassies, a man who REALLY wants to get laid by a demon, how to get potholes filled and more!

SW Ep.411 – Tom Cruise and the One That Actually Escaped

In episode 411: Matt gets frozen in Kansas City and witnesses a crayon themed restaurant, Amber discusses Kingdom Hearts 3, and everyone talks about what is likely happening on Cody’s vacation and why Childish Gambino is involved. We also discuss a dresser that may be less civil war antique and more convincing ruse, a Zoo that has a Valentine’s Day event for the jaded, and a plethora of weird food-based Valentine specials.

SW Ep.400 – Wait! Wait! Don’t Stuff Me!

In episode 400: Cody gives a brief review of Wreck it Ralph 2 and Fantastic Beasts 2, and Nikki goes to Final Fantasy Fan Fest. Then we have an odd news based quiz show in our 400th episode spectacular.

SW Ep.398 – Sweet Goku! That’s Horrible!

In episode 398: Amber gets a new job, Matt takes a stupid intense test, Cody tells of his past bomb scares, and Nikki attends the worst wedding ever. We also discuss a woman who is saved by some clever interior decorating, Taco Bell becomes a style consultant and more!

SW Ep.397 – Quora and Fauna (RICWB4)

This week, the gang’s all gone except for one lonely and terrible Matt. You’re here in time for some BREAKING (and rambling) post-election coverage and a heartwarming tale of a very, very minor celebrity interaction. Questions for this car ride are provided by, which is a dumb website for idiots! It’s PERFECT for Matt!