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SW Ep.521 – A License to Detective (Part 3)

In episode 521, we continue our game of “You Awaken in a Strange Place”. Trixie, Marsha, and Tremendous Dave continue their quest to find their stuff, but first they have some ninjas to escape and a sniper to catch! Can they do it? Will they find out who is behind all of this!? Is their stuff OK!? Let’s find out in the conclusion of a License to Detective.

SW Ep.520 – A License to Detective (Part 2)

In episode 520, we continue our game of “You Awaken in a Strange Place”. Trixie, Marsha, and Tremendous Dave continue searching their animated film noir New York City for the people that kidnapped them and stole their stuff. Will we find out who owns the van? Will Trixie find her brother? Will Drug Bee get the help he really needs? Find out the answer to some or all of these questions today, in a License to Detective Part 2.

SW Ep.519 – A License to Detective (Part 1)

In episode 519, we start playing another game of “You Awaken in a Strange Place”. We create a Film Noir Animated New York City where a detective, bartender, and cat looking for her missing brother set out to discover who stole their stuff and kidnapped them.