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SW Ep.499 – Keep Going, Poop Thief!

In episode 499 we discuss: We do funny news for the last time! We have a new weird sex story writer to rival Chuck Tingle, a restaurant with a side of honesty, a children’s show with an…unfortunate hero, and our last dumb criminal.

SW Ep.470 – Cereal: The Podcast (stuffweekly): Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:16 — 58.8MB)Subscribe: Spotify | Stitcher | RSSIn episode 470: We ditch the …

SW Ep.467 – We Don’t Care About Your Sourdough Starter, Brenda!

In episode 467: we discuss our current experience with COVID19. We also discuss the good news that has been happening across the world lately including: the way people are getting creative with children’s birthday parties, a restaurant owner who has found a way to help her staff during this hard time, a man who is helping businesses by buying everyone a gift card, the real Spider-Man, Pandas are having sex again, and more!

SW Ep.463 – I Can’t Finish Until We Flay This Goat

In episode 463: We discuss the perfection of table technology, William Shatner’s weird custody arrangements, collar technology levels up, a hands-off party that isn’t coronavirus safe, and an unfortunate pig farm fire.

SW Ep.461 – Getting a Little Bit from Big Cucumber

In episode 461: Matt witnesses an egging. We also discuss some Hansel and Gretel criminals, unexpected casualties of the coronavirus, a criminal hoax that’s in love with the shape of you, a dude steals from the wrong kind of street performer, a cure for hemorrhoids, and a sure fire way to get arrested.

SW Ep.459 – Kissing Some Roses on Some Graves

In episode 459: Cody gives a spoiler free discussion of Birds of Prey and Sonic the Hedgehog, and Amber gets into light bulbs with political affiliations. We also discuss a man who has a very spiritual relationship, a honey farmer that employs bears, a Ghostbusters Twinkie, and a son-sized dinosaur.

SW Ep.458 – The Pre-Cog at Gobbler’s Knob

In episode 458: We discuss the Turning, Cody goes to a poo-gas restaurant, and Nikki Flintstones a plane. We also discuss the science of new taste buds and the TikTok memes they inspire, criminals that have to work with the escape vehicles they have, the end of Groundhog Day, and the Las Vegas Sex Doll Experience.

SW Ep.457 – Superman: The U.S. Goku

In episode 457: We discuss some escape rooms, Jojo Rabbit, and Cody gets trapped in a Salt Room. We also discuss the Iguana Apocalypse, Olympic beds that get eco-friendly, a Pepsi Points joke taken too seriously, and Batman is Methman.

SW Ep.456 – Bringing a Wakizashi to a Tank Fight

In episode 456: We learn who the Biblical analogs for Friends characters and Nikki is tricked onto the Tower of Terror. We also discuss a man who learns how not to sleep in a car, a guy who demands a trial by combat, Japanese McDonald’s has an unfortunate new sweet treat, and a solution to the Taco Bell regrets.

Hosts This Episode

Stories Mentioned:
How Not to Sleep in a Car
Idiot Demands Trial by Combat
New Sweet Treat at Japan’s McDonalds
A Solution to You Twosie Problem

SW Ep.454 – Omega Bidet Cannon

In episode 454: We discuss our holidays, Matt invents a holiday DnD game, and we go over our favorite titles and stories of the year.