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SW Ep.369 – Pick Me Up Penis

A man is duped by his dead wife, a man is arrested after his mom’s obituary becomes problematic, a substitute teacher starts a child fight club, a guy gets out of a traffic ticket but gets into hot water, an artist paints a gigantic blue eyesore and more!

SW Ep.359 – Ugh, It’s So Beautiful. I Wish I Was in a Maze Right Now.

In episode 359: Nikki is stuck in Pennsylvania, Matt wins a big honor, and Cody sees and spoils the Maze Runner. We also discuss how you can now pay for a Human Uber, a girl is reported missing and is found in a very obvious location, out of work security cameras are now pole dancing and more!

SW Ep.322 – Hey Hot Mamma, Wanna Come to the Arkansas Party House and Get Crunk

In episode 322: We let Amber know she has a problem, Matt watches his highway implode, Nikki bonds with her singing instructor, we spoil review Ghost in the Shell, discuss white washing in film, a man gets his license plate revoked for having a terrible last name, hackers are having trouble getting government jobs, a big donation is made to Goodwill and more!

SW Ep.318 – My Everyday Struggles With Juice Cup

In episode 318: Matt goes to the dentist for the first time in 20 years, the Oscars announce the wrong winner of best picture, Amber and Matt recount their Newsies experiences, a plumber discovers something very odd in a shower and it goes viral, we learn the hilarious song Australians have sex to the most, a guy woos a lady with…questionable methods, terrible drug smugglers and more!

SW Ep.210 – The Shiashank Redemption

In episode 210 : Breaking news of the continuing downward spiral of Shia Labeouf, You can now interface (wink wink nudge nudge) with your tablet, A highway becomes delicious, The worst principal has the worst editors and more!

SW Ep.119 – Jonesin For Some Zip Ties

In episode 119: An Owl apparently steals underwear off of all of the ladies, A man shoots himself and then it gets dumber, magic penis theft is less magical in China, A dog gives birth to a strange baby, a boy manages to run away…far…far…faaaaar away and much more!In episode 119: An Owl apparently steals underwear off of all of the ladies, A man shoots himself and then it gets dumber, magic penis theft is less magical in China, A dog gives birth to a strange baby, a boy manages to run away…far…far…faaaaar away and much more!

SW Ep.48 – Cut to Their Funerals

In episode 48: A man screws up while already IN jail, farting is not a crime, a man tries to bribe the wrong place with the wrong thing, the ultimate fanboy…err…fanman, I did not know dogs did that and more!

SW Ep.32 – Like Birdo But Scarier

In episode 32: A fake doctor gives random breast exams, a dude accidentally incriminates himself after his safe is stolen, money goes and gets cursed, the oddest bikini contest ever, cyborg professor #2 and much more

SW Ep.25 – Nikki is the Best : By Nikki (Age 6)

In episode 25: Turn your cash to something less plebeian, Dude may be a mad scientist, Elmo’s not gonna take it, Iran catches up to the past while Germany ends it, Segway creator dies and much much more.

Ep.7 – The Chinese Apple Conspiracy

In this episode: the condiment cravings get real, iPad factories have a bit of an issue, The best paranormal investigator wears parrot shirts, Norfolk schools…what the hell? and more.