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SW Ep.115 – Powerful Muscles, Dolphin Muscles

In episode 115: A man with strange name…has pet mannequin brutalized by police, We discuss evil anti-Semitic Elmo that plagues central park, White Power Milk is a thing, We discuss the war between the Oatmeal and Funny Junk and more!

SW Ep.25 – Nikki is the Best : By Nikki (Age 6)

In episode 25: Turn your cash to something less plebeian, Dude may be a mad scientist, Elmo’s not gonna take it, Iran catches up to the past while Germany ends it, Segway creator dies and much much more.

SW Ep.24 – T*#$t G*# : Rapist/Satanist

In episode 24: Google search suggestions defame dude, A guy REALLY loves lightsabers, McCain gets caught!, a really terrible cereal prize and much much more.