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SW Ep.443 – A Joint of Acid

In episode 443: Amber digs up her youth, Nikki meets a living Steve Buscemi meme, and Sly Stallone has not aged particularly well. We also discuss the Disney Skyliner, a man who LSD’d his way into a theme park lake, an egg cop who is very ineffective, a lady who faced off against a cougar with an interesting weapon, a man with an ineffective way of winning his trial and more!

SW Ep.32 – Like Birdo But Scarier

In episode 32: A fake doctor gives random breast exams, a dude accidentally incriminates himself after his safe is stolen, money goes and gets cursed, the oddest bikini contest ever, cyborg professor #2 and much more

SW Ep.27 – Two Birds With One Gingerstone

In episode 27: The worst bank robbers ever, a guy tries to get both an orgasm and a tax deduction, the anti-porn porn lover, Couples make their McVows, an explanation as to why airline food sucks and much much more.