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behind the music

SW Ep.546 – Cults! You Gotta Believe!

In episode 546, we take a deep dive into the very real and not at all made up histories of your favorite pop culture bands including: The School of Rock, the Showbiz Pizza band, Parappa the Rapper, and the Beets.

SW Ep.523 – The Baguette Adonis

In episode 523 we discuss the real and totally definitely not made up histories of The Californian Raisins, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Gem and the Holograms.

SW Ep.486 – The Problem is…the Mayhem

In episode 486 we continue on with the random themes and this week we explain the very real and definitely not made up histories of your favorite pop-culture bands, including: Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, Zak Attack, Protozoa, and Powerline.