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SW Ep.226 – You Sound Like My Uncle, The Loser

In episode 226 : We discuss food, Thanksgiving, How Matt refused to see the Hunger Games until next week, The most expensive flight you will never take, Divorce leads to strange destructive dress based crafts and more

SW Ep.202 – The Dick Van Dick Show Starring Sexism

In episode 202 : Missouri uses sound cannons to make sure people are less safe, gas theft ringleader is an infant, an ancient Egyptian letter is finally translated and is heart breaking, We learn about an airline with a sense of humor and much more!

SW Ep.185 – Bet You Did Not Think I Was Gonna Say Skull

In episode 185 : We discuss Thanksgiving and Black Friday, a criminal sues a museum for making his robbery too easy, TheYearofElan is the best traveler ever, Coffin merchants get creative in the strangest calendar ever, art is ruined forever.

SW Ep.103 – Undercover McDouble Sting

In episode 103 – The smallest town in America is sold, We go over the absolute worst…yet affordable airline, McProstitution is a thing and a little boy REALLY REALLY REALLY needed an ipad…and to have his body shut down.

SW Ep.99 – The Bantersode

In episode 99: We mostly discuss the weird goings on in our trip to San Francisco and we finally find out what happened to the guy that put semen in the company yogurt…a year later.

SW Ep.1 – Stop, Poop Thief!

YNIN Launches the podcast section with this, the very first episode of the very first podcast. In this episode we discuss gourmet poo, cheerleaders who pee in soda, a hit and run butt slapper, and more. Also Iceland becomes official friend of the show, and we begin alienating the world.