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SW Ep.212 – Guardians of the Galaxy Like Care Bears for Adults

In episode 212 : We discuss what’s happened while we were gone, Guardians of the Galaxy is fantastic and we talk about it a lot, Chris Pratt steals his Guardians costume for the most amazing reason, Tom Hiddleston and Anthony Hopkins fanboy out over their favorite movies, Amby has a fake story about a hotel corpse and more.

SW Ep.210 – The Shiashank Redemption

In episode 210 : Breaking news of the continuing downward spiral of Shia Labeouf, You can now interface (wink wink nudge nudge) with your tablet, A highway becomes delicious, The worst principal has the worst editors and more!

SW Ep.209 – I Would Rather Watch a Woman Vomit Than Watch Jersey Boys

In episode 209 : A cavalcade of weird sex, Skinny Puppy has unfortunate fans, We learn of a woman who should win an award for most heroin bags shoved into underpants, Felix and his magic belly button of tricks, George R R Martins first published work was in Marvel comics and more!

SW Ep.208 – You Must Return to the PF Chang Dojo

In episode 208 : Japan ruins pizza, A woman is hired to do unspeakable things to her unsuspecting self, Italian bars have been robbed by a personified winter movie plot, the longest fiction in human history is fan fiction, Arkansas finally gets a terrible Chinese restaurant chain that apparently has its head up its own ass and more!

SW Ep.207 – It’s All Over The Floor! Get It While You Can!

In episode 207 : A guy needs you to be able to spirit bomb some sandwiches, The worst bride is also the worst mom, A gang of idiots gets arrested for being chased…well not really, Spider Man stands above a playground with his webshooter out and more!