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theme parks, Page 2

SW Ep.395 – Sad Tromboning to the Garbage

In episode 395: Amber tells of meeting her godchild, we discuss how lucrative donkey sales need to be in order to buy a magical island, and Matt reviews the School of Rock musical. We also discuss a disgusting food museum, a group of teens bake some cookies with a very special ingredient that isn’t love, and some enterprising kids find out exactly how to become homecoming queen.

SW Ep.388 – The Hoo Hoo Dilly’s Not Going in the Cha Cha

In episode 388: Matt learns that gyms are unfortunately very junk-filled, and A dad refuses to let his son be a goat person. We also discuss a Six Flags birth, a security guard at a hospital documents his farts, A couple has a very difficult time conceiving for a very good reason and more!

SW. Ep.383 – Homeless Masterpiece Theater

In episode 383: Amber goes to Hershey Park and Cody goes to Memphis. We also discuss the stupid way people speak regionally, Home Depot has a pet problem, and a tattoo lover removes an odd growth.

SW Ep.381 – Fame and Ass Go Hand in Hand

In episode 381: Nikki tells us all about her time hosting a video game speed running marathon, Cody discusses fireworks, a girl gets to check off everything off of her bucket list and more!

SW Ep.373 – At These Teacups, I Make My Stand

In episode 373: We give the results of the 2017-2018 TV Draft, Matt gets pied, and Cody nearly gets in a fight at a theme park. We also discuss the conclusion of a monkey selfie copyright fight, a man tries to take a selfie with an injured bear which ends poorly, and a cocky book series gets into a really stupid legal battle.

SW Ep.368 – Undercover Butler

Matt workshops his new D&D game, Amber takes on a rather awesome escape room, and Cody sees Ready Player One (no spoilers). We then discus a mystery vacation site, the most insane and incredibly real hotel story involving birds ever, a Japanese roller coaster derails and no one notices, a guy storms a play in an effort to save Jesus and more!