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SW Ep.215 – Oh My God, I’m Like So White

In Episode 215 : Chris Pratt is amazing and we have proof, A baby with brain teeth, A man with nose teeth, A lady on a naked dating show is upset she was put on TV naked, A lemonade stand tycoon has a nemesis who is a total dick, Starbucks has 10 hours of kindness ruined intentionally by one asshole and more!

SW Ep.197 – I Can’t Play Larp As Much As I Used To

Episode 197 : A video store puts a hit out on a lady, A dead banker causes some problems, Eat 24 gets screwed by a bear, A 10 year old does his best to get out of a traffic ticket, Tiny dogs have taken over a town in Arizona and more!

SW Ep.195 – Thirst For Violence Still Unquenched

In episode 195 : We discuss a new Starbucks parody that is fully functional….art, Someone steals a Burger King, North Korea has the worst ski lodge and water park while Japan has the creepiest, A couple was hypnotized by hologram men and more!

SW Ep.19 – The Testosterone Episode

In episode 19: Daughter tries to thwart father’s political bid, Robots can officially hate you, If you are older than 100 and Japanese…you’re probably dead, The wrong way to order at Starbucks and a whole truck-load more.

SW Ep.16 – Thank You Australia

In episode 16: The ultimate collector’s item is…ashes?, Theft makes a great first impression, Your Facebook info is now in the posession of lots-o-folks, A crocodile cowboy and a lot more…mostly involving stupid criminals.