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SW Ep.102 – News Stuff Today With Nikki, Matt and Cody

In this episode of News Stuff Today, we learn of the future of Foxconn, Matt and Cody debate the Houdini abilities of spies in our head to head segment, tragedies are abound and of course your local weather with Amber! All of this and more in this sophisticated edition of News Stuff Today.

SW Ep.49 – Does My Podcasts Stinks

In episode 49: Nightmarish food creatures, New Hampshire’s 91 year-old senator is surprisingly out of touch, A kid shows a bully what’s what, a lady one-ups our 30-items-in-the-butt prisoner, a guy pays his credit card debt off in pennies, Cody deals with the most ungrateful homeless dude, Matt meets angel Sam Elliot and much much more!