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HIstorical Games

CB Ep.131 – I’ve Gotten my PHD in Samurai

This week we play historical video games! Yes! Matt travels to the Roman invasion of Britannia to throw a human head at a guy and scream a lot in Wulverblade! Cody is stuck in the Civil War, showing the superiority of house over cannon, in North and South! And Nikki is stuck in ancient Japan where afros were super big, I guess? In Way of the Samurai!

CB Ep.65 – My Inevitable Decline Into Poverty

This week, we play historical video games! Nikki blinds multiple dogs with cayenne pepper because she’s a horrible monster in Freedom!, Cody belly flops into a wheelchair because stairs are hard in Stanley: The Search For Dr. Livingston, and Matt singlehandedly makes buffalo go extinct, fulfilling his plan were he ever to gain a time machine, in Super Amazing Wagon Adventure Turbo!