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SW Ep.145 – Funeral Has It Their Way With Cheese

In episode 145 : A burn ward is given a really terrible mascot, A kid uses his unemployment benefits in an attempt to become famous, another kid tries to get out of trouble by causing a local incident, A funeral procession has it their way and more!

SW Ep.55 – Cow Key Party

In episode 55: The reality TV defense, A rapper enters the World Record books, Stupid criminals have nothing on this lady, A cow steals milk from Walmart, ASL mistaken for gang signs and much more!

SW Ep.53 – PokeMan Walking

In episode 53: There’s a handwriting competition?, Holland has a strange traffic light hack, video game technology outperforms real technology all over again, rent a country, Santa Judge sucks, we break-up with Iceland and much more.

SW Ep.52 – 52 Hours We Will Never Get Back

In episode 52: We celebrate one year of doing the show, Georgia has a stupid new mode of transportation, Schnuphase (the mom who told her son he had cancer he did not have) is back, a baby gets messed up at Applebees, a lady attacks a painting because it is evil and much much more.