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SW Ep.193 – Secret Crocodile and Dale Earnhardt

In Episode 193: The high tech boob chastity belt is a bit misguided, It be hard out there for a Nike clad pimp yo, Revenge cake is a dish best served steaming, dragging a kids name through mud is totally legal apparently, Peace destroyed by birds and more!

SW Ep.102 – News Stuff Today With Nikki, Matt and Cody

In this episode of News Stuff Today, we learn of the future of Foxconn, Matt and Cody debate the Houdini abilities of spies in our head to head segment, tragedies are abound and of course your local weather with Amber! All of this and more in this sophisticated edition of News Stuff Today.

SW Ep.69 – Richard Handls Death Castle

In episode 69: A man claiming to be Jesus comes to mooch off people, A science hobbiest decides to split atoms in his apartment, a man tries to cut do self-surgery for a hernia, things that are actually interesting about the smurfs and more!

SW Ep.32 – Like Birdo But Scarier

In episode 32: A fake doctor gives random breast exams, a dude accidentally incriminates himself after his safe is stolen, money goes and gets cursed, the oddest bikini contest ever, cyborg professor #2 and much more