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SW Ep.322 – Hey Hot Mamma, Wanna Come to the Arkansas Party House and Get Crunk

In episode 322: We let Amber know she has a problem, Matt watches his highway implode, Nikki bonds with her singing instructor, we spoil review Ghost in the Shell, discuss white washing in film, a man gets his license plate revoked for having a terrible last name, hackers are having trouble getting government jobs, a big donation is made to Goodwill and more!

SW Ep.259 – A Poor Sick Sad Pathetic Little Dead Man

In episode 259: We mostly hang out but then we also discuss a guy decides to get revenge on a casino for revoking his buffet pass, a man is arrested for shoplifting because of hilarity, a guy learns to use a phone lock screen the hard way and more!

SW Ep.168 – Smoking An Exhaust Pipe at the Indy 500

In episode 168 : Matt and I discuss Pacific Rim and our opinions of it, The super soaker semen squirter saga continues, Florida accidentally makes using the internet illegal, Gay marriage was accidentally made more than legal in Costa Rica, There is yet another thing to worry about killing you in your sleep, A 100 year old lady wants your genitals and more!

SW Ep.43 – Raised On Snow Plows and Butter-Pops

In episode 43: We go over the odd concept of the side-hug, 12 year olds choose a terrible place to rob, a purse snatcher is chased by a snow-plow, James Franco is awesomely crazy, the worst casino-robber ever and much more!