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SW Ep.350 – Are You Ready to Feel Uncomfortable?

In episode 350: Amber finally upgrades to 2004 internet, We discuss Justice League (no spoilers), a man builds a rocket in his backyard to prove the Earth is flat, A jilted lover story takes a weird twist, and more!

SW Ep.202 – The Dick Van Dick Show Starring Sexism

In episode 202 : Missouri uses sound cannons to make sure people are less safe, gas theft ringleader is an infant, an ancient Egyptian letter is finally translated and is heart breaking, We learn about an airline with a sense of humor and much more!

Ep.15 – My Blood is Cake

In this episode: Build your own completely pointless remote control, Harry Potter / Captain America fans are dangerous!, China accidentally beats a woman to injury, how to spot a chronic self-pleasurer and more!