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SW Ep.226 – You Sound Like My Uncle, The Loser

In episode 226 : We discuss food, Thanksgiving, How Matt refused to see the Hunger Games until next week, The most expensive flight you will never take, Divorce leads to strange destructive dress based crafts and more

SW Ep.103 – Undercover McDouble Sting

In episode 103 – The smallest town in America is sold, We go over the absolute worst…yet affordable airline, McProstitution is a thing and a little boy REALLY REALLY REALLY needed an ipad…and to have his body shut down.

SW Ep.44 – Hammer Bobby’s Code

In episode 44: A lady keeps her husband from leaving with some ill-advised phone calls, a dentist is involved with an affair where the weird part isn’t that he killed their spouses, The wikipedia for robots, the Chuck Norris of birds, semen yogurt and much more

SW Ep.29 – The Sarah Palin Of Cannibalism

In episode 29: The worst hostage takers ever, A crocodile causes an aircraft tragedy, The cheapest way to stay in California, New York Brain Retention, bear grave robbers and so much more!

SW Ep.19 – The Testosterone Episode

In episode 19: Daughter tries to thwart father’s political bid, Robots can officially hate you, If you are older than 100 and Japanese…you’re probably dead, The wrong way to order at Starbucks and a whole truck-load more.